Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [NOT CURRENT CATALOGS]

Academic Policies & Procedures


Academic Bankruptcy

Academic Bankruptcy provides the opportunity for students to resume their college education without the encumbrance of previously earned grades. Through this process, a motivated student may receive a second chance to work towards a baccalaureate degree with a new grade point average. Academic Bankruptcy is an extreme measure: it may be granted only once to an individual student, and only when the student provides clear and convincing evidence of a renewed commitment to advancing their education. Academic Bankruptcy may affect financial aid and veterans’ benefits. See EOU’s Academic Policy page for the full Academic Bankruptcy Policy 1.05.20

Students may be considered for Academic Bankruptcy if they meet the following three conditions:

  1. The Students must not have attended any college or university for a minimum of 48 consecutive months after the end of the last college term attended prior to returning to any college.
  2. The Students must be currently enrolled at EOU.
  3. The Students must have completed a minimum of 12 graded credits numbered 100 or above at Eastern with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or better in those credits. Activity courses may not be used to satisfy this condition.

To apply for academic bankruptcy the Students must submit to the Registrar’s Office a formal letter of request. The letter requesting academic bankruptcy must include the following.

  1. A proposed Bankruptcy Date that precedes the date of application by at least 48 consecutive months.
  2. A statement of academic plans.
  3. A rationale for the request.

Academic Honesty

All members of the Eastern Oregon University academic community are responsible for compliance with its Academic Honesty Code. See EOU’s Academic Policy page for the full Academic Honesty Code Policy 2.10.10

Provisions of the Academic Honesty Code are:

  • Each Students must follow the academic honesty code and abide by the pledge.
  • The faculty member is responsible for defining limits for collaborative learning activities for each course.
  • The faculty member will make clear the format, for example by including it in the syllabus, for properly citing sources of information not original by the student.
  • Students are encouraged to seek clarification and discuss academic honesty with instructors.
  • Explicit approval by all instructors involved is required if the same work is to be submitted in more than one course, even if it is during a different term.
  • Students are encouraged to report suspected violations to the appropriate faculty member of a course.

Violations of the Academic Honesty Code include but are not limited to the following acts:

  • Cheating: Dishonest use or attempted use of materials or information.
  • Unauthorized Collaboration: Representing as independent work that which was produced with the help of classmates or others, in instances where the assignment was explicitly to be completed individually.
  • Fabrication: Falsification or invention of information.
  • Facilitation: Helping another person or persons engage in academic dishonesty.
  • Plagiarism: Representing the ideas, words, or work of another as one’s own.
  • Tampering: Altering or interfering with evaluation processes, or destruction of the intellectual property of another member of the university community.

Student Pledge of Academic Integrity

Beginning Fall term 2005, Eastern Oregon University initiated an Honor Code based on personal integrity, which is presumed to be a sufficient assurance that in academic matters, one’s work is original and performed honestly. The policies and procedures of the Honor Code apply to all full and part-time students. A component vital to the Honor Code is the inclusion of the Honor Pledge.

“I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on any academic work nor will I represent the work or ideas of another as my own.” (Kansas State, 2003)

Academic Standing (Probation And Suspension)

Eastern Oregon University expects students to maintain satisfactory academic progress toward degree completion. At the conclusion of each term grade point averages are calculated and academic standing determined for all undergraduate students. All GPA references within this policy including “cumulative GPA” are, unless otherwise noted, based only on EOU coursework. See EOU’s Academic Policy page for the full Academic Standing Policy 1.05.15

Academic Standing Status

Good Standing: Students with an EOU term GPA (for the latest academic term) and a cumulative EOU GPA of 2.00 or higher.

Academic Probation: Being placed on academic probation is a caution to students that there is a lack of satisfactory academic progress. Once placed on academic probation the student will retain that status until such time as achieving both a minimum EOU cumulative and minimum EOU term GPA of 2.00, which will result in a return to good standing.

Academic Suspension: A student who earns an EOU term and EOU cumulative GPA below 2.00 while on academic probation will be placed on academic suspension.  Suspended students are denied all student privileges including but not limited to, registration, class attendance, financial aid and residency in EOU housing.

Adding A Course

During week one of the term students may add courses via web registration Mountie Hub (Webster). During week two through week four of the term students may add classes via a registration form with instructor approval. Instructors may email the student their approval to include with the registration form or provide a signature on a registration form. Thereafter, only the college Dean may approve exceptions. Requests for exceptions may be brought to the Deans only upon the instructor’s prior approval of the request. During the registration wait-listing period (see below) students will not be allowed to by-pass an active wait-list and enroll directly into a full course. Instructor and dean approval does not override this policy.

No class may be added after the end of the regular instructional period under any circumstances. This means that no courses may be added during finals week, or after the end of the term.

Drop/withdrawal fees will be assessed in accordance with the fee policies outlined on the Student Accounts website.

Adding A Wait-listed Course

Most EOU courses have a registration wait-listing functionality. This means students can reserve a seat for themselves in courses already at max enrollment if/when an earlier enrolled student drops the course and opens a seat.

The wait-listing of courses ends Friday evening the first week of term. After wait-listing ends registration will be permitted strictly in accordance with the policy above. Students can find a complete overview of how wait-listing works on the wait-listing page of the Registrar’s Office website.

Agency Sponsored Learning (ASL)

Students may receive credit for courses and training taken from non-degree granting organizations such as the military, corporations, labor unions, professional voluntary associations, and government agencies. The subject area must be within a discipline offered at EOU, and the course/training must have taken place within required clock hours. At least 30 clock hours in class must be recorded for each EOU credit requested. Students may combine two related courses in order to meet the 30-hour per credit threshold. The combined course may be used only once.

ASL courses do not count for General Education because they are not designed to meet EOU’s General Education Outcomes with any specificity. Generally, ASL courses approved for transcription are counted as elective credits.

Students must provide documentation that learning took place. Students pay $50 per credit hour for Agency Sponsored Learning other than military. A maximum of 45 ASL credits can be used toward a degree at EOU. Please review institutional graduation requirements for combined limits for Accelerated Learning, such as ASL, APEL, AP, CLEP, and  course challenge credits.

The procedure for applying for ASL credit is described at www.eou.edu/advising/asl/.

Assessment Of Prior Experiential Learning For Credit (APEL)

Students admitted to EOU may receive credit for experiential learning that demonstrates college level mastery of curriculum areas offered at EOU. The Portfolio Development course, APEL 390, must be taken by undergraduate students prior to students preparing a portfolio of learning essays. APEL can be awarded in lower division (APEL 299) upper division (APEL 499) or graduate division (APEL 590) work. The portfolio is evaluated by on-campus faculty. The academic faculty provides the evaluation and assigns the number of credits awarded. This credit may potentially be used in general education, within a minor or a major, or as electives. The evaluator(s) will decide how much academic credit is to be granted.

APEL credit is not eligible for financial aid. Such credit may not always be transferable to other institutions. A maximum of 45 credits from APEL may be applied toward graduation. Please contact your academic advisor for further information. Please review institutional graduation requirements for combined limits for Accelerated Learning, such as ASL, APEL, AP, CLEP, and course challenge credits.

The procedure for applying for ASL credit is described at www.eou.edu/apel/.

Auditing Of Courses

The grade of AU is assigned if an individual enrolls in an EOU course for no earned credit. One course may be audited per term. Individuals auditing courses are not expected to complete assignments or take examinations. Both admitted students and community members (nonadmitted students) may audit courses.

Admitted students:

May change course status from audit to credit or vice versa through the second Friday of the term. Audit hours are charged the same amount as credit hours and are not eligible to count towards a degree.

Community members:

May register to audit an on-campus course on a spaceavailable basis by contacting the Registrar’s Office (registrar@eou.edu) and completing two forms: a non-admit form from the Admissions website and a registration form from the Registrar’s website. The signed forms need to be received by the Registrar’s Office by the beginning of the first week of the term. Registration into the course will happen by the registrar’s office the first day of the term, based on seats available in the course. No tuition will be charged for the course. Charges for special materials, if any, will be accrued and due by Friday the first week of the term. Books and course materials can be purchased through the EOU bookstore. Registration requests received before the first week of the term will not be processed until the first day of the term. Community members who register themselves for a course may forfeit the option to audit and may not receive the discounted tuition.

Community members are not admitted students, privileges accorded to students, such as student activities and health services, are not provided, nor does the university maintain permanent records or issue grades for courses audited by non-admitted students. Community members who wish to receive credit for courses (not audit) must complete the non-admit form, register for the course at a time designated by the academic calendar and pay the regular tuition and fees.

Baccalaureate And Professional Degree

After the third year at EOU, students may transfer to a school offering a professional degree that requires work beyond a baccalaureate degree. Students may be granted a baccalaureate degree upon the completion of a year in the professional program. No more than 48 credit hours from the professional school may count toward the baccalaureate degree.

Before transferring, students should satisfy all graduation requirements that cannot be satisfied at the professional school. The application for this degree must be submitted to the dean of the EOU College responsible for the program prior to completion of the student’s third year.

Classification Of Students

The term “student” includes all persons enrolled at the university. Persons who withdraw or who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the University, or who have been notified of their acceptance for admission are also considered “students.”

The class level of a student is determined according to the following criteria:

By the Number of Cumulative Credit Hours:  
Freshman 0-44 Senior 135 and over.
Sophomore 45-89 Graduate - Holder of a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
Junior 90-134
By Credit Hour Load:  
Undergraduate Admitted Student: Graduate Admitted Student:
Full-time: Enrolled 12 - 21 Hours Full-time: Enrolled 9 - 14 Hours
Part time: Enrolled Less Than Full Time Part time: Enrolled Less Than Full Time
¾ time: Enrolled 9 - 11 Hours ¾ time ~ Enrolled 7 - 8 Hours
½ time: Enrolled 6 - 8 Hours ½ time ~ Enrolled 5 - 6 Hours
Less than ½ time: Enrolled 5 Hours or Less  

Non-Admitted Student:

A student not admitted as a regular student pursuing a degree or certification may enroll for only 8 hours or less if in good academic standing at Eastern Oregon University.

Classroom Decorum

Instruction is the most valuable function at Eastern Oregon University. So all students gain full benefit of instruction, the University insists that appropriate classroom decorum be maintained. Minimum elements of appropriate classroom decorum include: punctuality, courtesy, civility, purposefulness, and integrity. To achieve these elements, faculty may establish rules about such matters as: tardiness, absences, argumentation, collaboration, presence of children and guests, eating and drinking, and basic forms of conduct to minimize disruption of the educational process. Such rules established by individual faculty will be clearly and explicitly communicated to students in the course using such means as the course syllabus. Persons judged by a faculty member to be disruptive may be referred by the faculty member for University disciplinary review and action. Further, a faculty member has the responsibility and right to excuse disruptive persons from a class session. Students with concerns about a faculty member’s actions are encouraged to contact the dean of the college in which the faculty member is located. 

Note: Information regarding appropriate student conduct, disciplinary procedures for violations, procedures for conduct hearings, and students’ rights and responsibilities can be found in the EOU Student Handbook.

Commencement Participation

Students who graduate fall, winter or spring term of the current academic year are invited to participate in the spring commencement ceremony. Students who are graduating summer term may participate in the spring ceremony if they are within 15 credits of completing their degree and show proof of preregistration for those hours.

Only students who have an approved graduation application on file will be allowed to participate in commencement. Commencement honors are based on winter term GPA unless degree conferred prior to commencement.

Continuous Enrollment

Students are considered to be continuously enrolled if attendance is not interrupted for more than three consecutive terms (not including summer). Students who maintain continuous enrollment may satisfy major or minor requirements from one applicable catalog during enrollment, while satisfying institutional and general education requirements from a different applicable catalog during enrollment.

Continuous enrollment ends when a baccalaureate degree is granted. If it takes longer than 7 years to complete a degree program, graduation requirements will be reviewed individually. A onetime leave of absence can be requested during the continuous enrollment period if a student desires. Please see Leave of Absence below.

Course Challenge

Admitted students who are currently enrolled and have completed 12 EOU credits may petition for credit for a specific course by special exam. They may not challenge a course for which they have already received a grade, or after week 2 of current enrollment in the course. Courses to demonstrate prior knowledge must be challenged before enrolling in a higher-level course in that discipline. Students educated in a language other than English cannot receive credit for that language at the first or second year level through challenge. Students should consult with the appropriate modern language faculty for evaluation and placement.

The ‘Petition for Special Examination (Course Challenge)’ form is found on the Registrar’s website. The form must be signed by the assigned course instructor, the advisor and the appropriate college dean. Successful completion of a course challenge will be recorded on the transcript with A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, or S. Other grades will make the  challenge unsuccessful and will not be recorded on the transcript.

Course Load Limitations

The minimum number of hours for a regular full-time undergraduate student is 12, a normal load is 15-18 and the maximum is 21, including online and onsite credits. A student may enroll for more than 21 credits with the permission of the student’s academic advisor, who will consider the student’s academic record, major program, and proposed courses. A minimum total cumulative (EOU and transfer) GPA of 2.80 is required for an overload.

The maximum load for graduate students is 14 hours a term during the academic year, 6 hours during a 4-week summer session, or 13 hours during the 8-week summer session. Exceptions must be approved by the Dean of the graduate program.

Students wishing to take an overload of credits should complete the Credit Overload form on the Registrar’s website. The registrar will forward the request to the student’s advisor.

Course Numbering

0-99: Non-credit courses or credit courses of a developmental, terminal, or semi-professional nature are not applicable toward the 180 credits required for BA and/or BS degree completion. These credits cannot be used to satisfy program specific degree requirements. Some of these courses may not count toward athletic eligibility, financial aid eligibility, and veteran’s benefits. These courses do not count toward graduation requirements.
100-299: Courses at the lower-division level.
300-499: Courses at the upper-division level.
500-699: Graduate courses.
700: In-Service Courses: Limited applicability toward advanced degree. Check with your advisor for more information.

Credit Requirements

All single bachelor’s degrees must be at least 180 credits. A student seeking a double degree, 2 separate Bachelor’s degrees to be awarded at the same time, must complete a minimum of 216 credits. A student seeking a triple degree, 3 separate Bachelor’s degrees to be awarded at the same time must complete a minimum of 252 credits.

EOU Requirements:

  • Majors: minimum 45 credits, including 25 upper division credits
  • Minors: minimum 30 credits, including 15 upper division credits
  • Concentrations: minimum 21 credits, including 15 upper division credits
  • Associate of Arts: minimum 90 credits, including 60 GEC are required for an associate’s degree
  • Certificates: generally 20-45 credits

A degree will not be awarded for a student who has any incomplete grades on the student record. All incomplete grades will need to be resolved before any degrees will be posted.

Minimum EOU credit requirement:

  • Majors: require a minimum of 20 credits from EOU, at least 10 of which must be upper division.
  • Minors: require a minimum of 10 credits from EOU.
  • Associate of Arts: at least 23 credits must be from EOU.
  • Certificates: at least 25% of the credits must be from EOU.

Dean’s List

To qualify for the Dean’s List in any given term an undergraduate student must complete at least 12 credit hours of letter graded coursework per term and achieve a GPA of at least 3.50 during the given term. Only coursework completed at EOU will count toward making the Dean’s List.

CO-ENROLLED STUDENTS: To qualify for Dean’s List the following must be met:

  • Must be admitted to Eastern Oregon University
  • Minimum term GPA from EOU
  • Maintain a 3.50 term GPA when transfer credits are included in the calculation. These credits must be transferable credits, none of which may be vocationaltechnical
  • Must supply an official transcript to EOU
  • Must complete a minimum of 12 graded credits in the given term of which 8 must be from EOU
  • Students must apply for recognition by the second Friday of the term immediately following the term in which recognition is requested. This notification may be accomplished by e-mailing the Registrar’s Office at registrar@eou.edu and asking for the recognition and informing EOU of which college(s) is to be included in the calculation.

Students meeting these qualifications will have the designation of “Dean’s List for Co-Enrolled” notated on their EOU transcript.

Definitions And Abbreviations

Some of the language used to describe courses and degree programs may not be familiar to students. To help them become familiar with the language of academia, some definitions, abbreviations and classifications that will be encountered during college appear below.

(2): A sequence course which will have two credit hours per term - e.g., THEA 244, 245, 246 Technical Theatre (2).

Academic Year: The academic year is a sequence of terms starting with summer and ending with spring (summer, fall, winter, spring) of approximately 11 weeks each. Students may enter at the beginning of any term, although fall term entrance is preferred.

Course: Subject or an instructional sub-division of a subject offered during a single term.

Curriculum: An organized program of study arranged to provide specific cultural or professional preparation.

EOY: Courses taught every other year.

Field Placement or Practicum: Field placement and practicum experience are designed to offer students an opportunity to explore career areas and extend the educational experience beyond the classroom through supervised work experience in agencies, schools, or private business.

Prerequisite: A course that must be satisfactorily completed prior to enrolling in a specific higher-level course - e.g., PSY 201: Prerequisite - PSY 201 is a prerequisite for several higher level psychology courses (e.g., 335, 344, and 440).

Subject: Designated area of knowledge such as history, education, business or art.

Term or Quarter Hour: Normally, a student can expect to spend at least 30 clock hours of time (e.g. in class, in lab, reading, research, studying or in other activities related to coursework) for every term hour of credit earned.

Year Sequence: Three closely articulated or consecutive courses in a subject extending through fall, winter and spring of an academic year.

Double Dipping

There is no University-wide policy prohibiting the double use of courses. Programs may or may not allow ‘double dipping’ between their major and a second major, their major and a minor, their minor and a major, or between their minor and a second minor.

Programs that do not allow double dipping will indicate so in the program information section of this catalog and/or on the program checksheet.

Drop & Withdrawal From Courses

Dropping a Course

A student may drop from a course for any reason with no record on the student’s transcript before the end of week four of the term. If students are unable to drop through Mountie Hub (Webster), they may submit a registration form to the Registrar’s office. Thereafter, a Students must withdraw from the course (see withdrawal policy). Drop fees will be assessed starting Wednesday of week two of classes through the drop period (Friday of week four).

Withdrawal from a Course

There are four types of withdrawal - withdrawal from a course, withdrawing from all courses, withdrawal from the University, and medical withdrawal.

Withdrawal from a Course: A student may withdraw from a course between the week five of the term through week seven with a grade of “W” indicated on the transcript. No individual withdrawals will be issued after week seven of the term. Instructors will issue a grade of incomplete for all students enrolled after week seven. A student making adequate academic progress during the term and needing to withdraw after week seven may request an incomplete from the instructor. Please see EOU’s Academic Policy page for the full Grading Policy 1.10.60 for information regarding incomplete grades.

Withdrawal from all Courses: A student may withdraw from all courses any time during the term until the last day of regularly scheduled classes by filling out the drop/withdrawal section of the registration form found on the Registrar’s website. The deadline to withdraw from the University in the last day of regularly scheduled classes - the Friday before finals during each academic term.

Withdrawal from the University: Students may withdraw from the University at any time during the term until the last day of regularly scheduled classes by filling out the drop/withdrawal section of the registration from found on the Registrar’s website and indicating thy will not be returning to the university. The deadline to withdraw from the University is the last day of regularly scheduled classes - the Friday before finals week during each academic term.

Medical Withdrawal: See EOU’s Academic Policy page for the full Medical Withdrawal Policy 2.35.10.

Administrative Withdrawal

An instructor may withdraw a student form a course when there is justification for such action as determined in consultation with student affairs, the Registrar’s office and the college Dean. The Academic Standards Committee may administratively withdraw a student from a term based on a student’s academic standing. Students may appeal being administratively withdrawn to the Academic Standards Committee.

No-Show Drop: See EOU’s Academic Policy page for the full Course Attendance No-Show Drop Policy 1.10.55.

Onsite Courses

Drop/Withdrawal dates and policies as stated above also apply to onsite courses, regardless of when the course meets during an academic term.

Cancelling Registration

Class registration obligates students to receive grades and pay tuition and fees. Students who register from classes will be responsible for grades and for payment whether they attend courses or not. Students who have not yet attended class and cannot attend the University can request to cancel their registration if they are not able to drop the course(s) through Mountie Hub (Webster) on their own. Once a canceled registration request is received from a student the University will remove all registration from the student from the requested term.

  1. Students may cancel their registration through week one of the term with 100% refund. After week one any canceled registration follows the refund schedule on the academic calendar webpage.
  2. All students who have made no payment and have not canceled their registration by Monday of week three of the term will be assessed a non-refundable late fee of $50.
  3. A registration hold for subsequent terms at the University will be in place until tuition and fee payment has been made with Student Accounts.
  4. Fees or penalties for anything listed above will be assessed in accordance with the fee schedule listed on the academic calendar webpage.

Enrollment In Classes

Eastern Oregon University reserves the right to restrict enrollment to individual courses based on a number of considerations including, but not limited to, class size, satisfactory completion of prerequisite courses or experience, past performance of the student in similar courses, whether a student is seeking a degree or not, majors, minors, concentrations, and predominate course modality.

Grade Changes

All grades except for ‘I’ should be considered final when filed by the instructor in the end-of-term grade report. Thereafter, grade changes are left up to the discretion of the instructor, unless directed by a college dean, or resulting from the outcome of an academic grievance procedure. Reasons for grade changes may include, but are not limit to, clerical, procedural, and calculation errors, as well as concerns involving the equitable and ethical treatment of students.

Instructors must submit grade changes using Mountie Hub (Webster). Grade changes initiated by a college dean, or resulting from the outcome of an academic grievance procedure, may be submitted directly to the Registrar’s Office.

Instructors who are not prepared to submit a final, closed course grade at the time grades are due, because of an individual student’s extraordinary circumstances or special needs, should submit a grade of ‘I’.

Grades And Grade Points

Letter grades are awarded for academic performance as follows:
A Superior
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Inferior
F Failed
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
P Pass
NP No Pass

Additional letters assigned for no credit:
I Incomplete
W Withdrawn
AU Audit

Grade points are computed on the basis of grades earned each term:

A 4.00 C 2.00  
A- 3.67 C- 1.67  
B+ 3.33 D+ 1.33  
B 3.00 D 1.00  
B- 2.67 D - 0.67  
C + 2.33 F 0.00  

The GPA is the total grade points divided by the total graded term hours attempted. Grades of S, U, P, NP, I, W and AU are disregarded in the computation of the grade point average (GPA).

Graduation Application

Degree candidates may apply for graduation by submitting an application for graduation through Mountie Hub (Webster), that application is received in the Registrar’s office. The deadline for submitting an application for graduation is posted on the Registrar’s graduation website. The graduation application is reviewed and goes through appropriate checks before the student receives an official email from the Registrar’s Office, which includes any outstanding graduation requirements. The Registrar’s Office then saves a degree audit from DegreeWorks for their record. The degree audit is the official document that lists all required courses necessary for graduation.

Graduation With Distinction (Latin Honors)

To be considered for graduation with distinction, an undergraduate student must have a cumulative GPA (including transfer credits, if any) of at least 3.50.

Distinctions and GPA’s:  
Cum Laude 3.50 to 3.69
Magna Cum Laude 3.70 to 3.84
Summa Cum Laude 3.85 to 4.00

Incomplete And In-progress Coursework

The “I” grade is assigned by the instructor if the quality of work is satisfactory, but students have been prevented by circumstances beyond their control from completing all of the requirements of the course. It is the instructor’s prerogative to judge the validity of these circumstances. The instructor determines the steps a student must take to remove the deficiency, the time allowed for doing so, the alternate grade (usually F) to be assigned if the student fails to complete the work in the time allowed. Incomplete grades not removed by the date specified (limited to one term unless otherwise noted) automatically revert to the alternate grade specified by the instructor.

Leave Of Absence

Fully admitted students in good academic standing and who have attended EOU for at least two terms are eligible for one leave of absence. A leave of absence may be for up to eight consecutive terms (including summer). Students granted a leave of absence will be able to continue under the catalog requirements that were in effect when they originally enrolled. Such students will not be required to pay an application fee upon returning.

Students must file for the leave of absence within 90 days of official withdrawal, or the last date of the last term of attendance. Upon the anticipated return to EOU the Students must contact their advisor, or the advising office, the Registrar’s Office and the Financial Aid office. For questions or to apply for a leave of absence contact the Registrar’s Office.

Military Evaluation For Credit

Students may receive college credit for training obtained during military service. Credit will be awarded based on recommendations by the American Council on Education (ACE). To receive credit, official ACE transcripts must be submitted to the Office of Admissions. Students receiving GI Bill® education benefits while attending Eastern Oregon University are required to obtain transcripts from all schools previously attended and submit them to the school for review of prior credit.

*GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Military - Student Called To Active Duty

Any student with orders to report for active military duty may withdraw at any time during the term and receive a full refund. If sufficient course- work has been accomplished and the instructor feels justified in granting credit for the coursework completed, credit may be granted and withdrawal proceedings are unnecessary. Students can refer to the Tuition Refund Policy in the EOU student handbook.

If called to active military duty, students should meet with the Veteran’s Affairs Office if already receiving benefits, with the Financial Aid Office if applicable, and with their academic advisor to discuss their options. See EOU’s Academic Policy page for the full Military Call-up Policy 2.35.15. Students should refer to the policy for options on completing or withdrawing from classes.


Admitted students may choose to have their minor(s) recognized. The student or advisor can request a minor by completing the Major/Minor/ Concentration update form available on the Registrar’s website.

All EOU minors require a total minimum of 30 credits, including 15 upper division credits, and a minimum of 10 credits must come from EOU.

Minors are transcribed at the time of the awarding of an EOU Bachelor’s degree. Minors cannot be awarded outside of a degree, no stand-alone minors.

Multiple Majors

Students who have completed the degree requirements in more than one major program will be recognized as follows:

  • Both majors will be listed on a single diploma. The diploma, for example, will read ‘Bachelor of Science in History and Business’.
  • All majors will be posted on the final transcript.
  • All EOU majors require a minimum of 45 credits, 25 must be upper division credits
  • All EOU majors require a minimum of 20 credits come from EOU, at least 10 must be upper division.

Students or advisors can add an additional major by completing the Major/Minor/ Concentration update form available on the Registrar’s website. Majors are transcribed at the time of the awarding of an EOU Bachelor’s degree.

For information on ‘double degrees’ see Second Baccalaureate Degrees.

Online/Onsite Courses

EOU offers online and onsite courses through a nontraditional delivery method. These courses are charged at a separate rate per credit hour.

The University currently restricts enrollment in its online courses and degree programs to students within most of the United States and Canada (excluding any states restricted by SARA - State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement). International students who wish to register for online courses and reside either temporarily or permanently outside the 50 United States and Canada (excluding territories and possessions of the United States) should follow the admission requirements as listed on the admissions website https://www.eou.edu/admissions/international-requirements/. Or contact admissions (admissions@eou.edu) for additional information.

Post-Baccalaureate & Post-Baccalaureate Financial Aid Eligible Classification

Any student with an accredited baccalaureate degree who has not been admitted to a graduate program, can submit an application for admission to the University to take additional undergraduate courses or seek an additional baccalaureate degree. Students will be admitted to the University with Post-Baccalaureate status. Post-Baccalaureate students are not eligible for financial aid.

Post-Baccalaureate Financial Aid Eligible status is for students with an accredited baccalaureate degree, not admitted to a graduate program, who enroll at the University for the expressed purpose of pursuing an additional undergraduate degree and wanting to receive Federal Financial Aid. Students wanting to receive financial aid must fill out the Post-Baccalaureate Financial Aid Eligible form found on the Registrar’s website.

See EOU’s Academic Policy page for the full Classification of Students Policy 1.10.15 for more information on Post- Baccalaureate and Post-Baccalaureate Financial Aid Eligible student status.

Practicum Courses

Undergraduate-level practicum-type courses (109, 209, 309 and 409 numbers), including cooperative education placements will have an S/U option grading mode, unless an exception is noted elsewhere in the catalog.

Re-admit/Returning Student

Any previously matriculated student who has fallen out of continuous enrollment will become inactive. Continuous enrollment is defined as - attendance that has not been interrupted for more than three consecutive terms (not including summer). Any student who has been out of continuous enrollment must complete the returning student application form and be re-admitted before returning to EOU as a student.

Once a re-admitted student becomes fully admitted he/she is subject to the current catalog year. All current catalog rules, guidelines, policies, and degree requirements will apply toward graduation. All transfer work will be reevaluated under the readmitted catalog year for transferability and general education consideration.

UNLESS: The student is 15 credits (or less) away from graduation as per a previously filed and approved graduation application. Students who are 15 credits (or less) from obtaining an EOU degree will be allowed to finish under their originally admitted catalog. All originally evaluated transfer work will be honored as is, and any exceptions and/or petitions will be honored under the original date of approval.

If the original degree (major/concentration/minor) is no longer available at EOU, the Registrar’s Office will work with program faculty to plan a path forward allowing the student the opportunity to complete an existing degree.

Previously approved graduation applications are only valid for up to a period of seven years. Students with a previously approved graduation application on file, who return seven years or more after falling out of continuous enrollment, will be subject to the current catalog year. All current catalog rules, guidelines, policies, and degree requirements will apply toward graduation. All transfer work will be reevaluated under the re-admit catalog year for transferability and general education consideration.

Registration: Cancel Registration

Eastern Oregon University does not cancel a student’s registration unless requested by the student. Class registration obligates students to receive grades and pay tuition and fees. All students who have made no payment and have not canceled their registration by Monday of the third week of term, will be assessed a nonrefundable late fee of $50. Students who have never attended class and have not paid any tuition or fees may cancel their registration up to the end of the fourth week of class. Students who do not pay tuition and fees, and who do not cancel their registration, will be responsible for grades and for payment. A registration hold for subsequent terms at EOU will be in place until tuition and fee payment has been made with student accounts.

Repeated Coursework

Students may repeat courses to improve a grade or to increase mastery of a subject. For most EOU courses credit hours and grade points will only be counted once, with the most recent grade being used to calculate GPA and credit toward graduation. All courses and grades will remain on the student’s transcript. Certain EOU courses (e.g., some activity courses) are intended to be taken multiple times.

For these courses all credit hours and grade points will be used to calculate GPA and credit toward graduation, except when graded as S/U or when the number of credits earned exceeds the limit for activity credits applied toward graduation. Students should contact their advisor or the Registrar’s Office if they wish to confirm the repeat policy for a specific course.

Residency Requirements (State Of Oregon)

The ‘Residency Standards’ for all Oregon Universities are found on the EOU Registrar’s website.

Students with reasons for questioning a decision on their residence classification during the admissions process may appeal to the Institutional Residency Officer by emailing registrar@eou.edu. Email appeals to the residency officer must include a completed Residency Short Form, which can be found on the Registrar’s website.

Decisions regarding residency made by the Institutional Residency Officer may be appealed to the Inter-Institutional Residency Board under Oregon Administrative Rules #580- 10-045: Review of Residence Classification Decisions.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) Option

The purpose of the S/U option is to encourage students to take courses outside their major program without the earned grade affecting their GPA. The S/U grading option must be elected by the fourth Friday of the term. To elect the S/U option, the Students must fill out the S/U form on the Registrar’s website. Of the 180 term hours required for the bachelor’s degree, students may elect up to 36 as S/U. Courses offered on an S/U basis only are not included in the 36-hour limit.

The grade of S is comparable to a grade of C- or better. An S/U grade may be elected for any course except those courses used to meet specific program requirements, unless it is allowed by the academic college offering the course. If a required course is offered on an S/U basis only, it may be counted in the major program.

If students have questions regarding which courses can be taken S/U, they should contact their advisor.

Second Baccalaureate Degree

A student may earn a second bachelor’s degree from EOU, either concurrently or subsequent to another EOU bachelor’s degree or institutional partner-program degree, by satisfying all program requirements as determined by the appropriate major department.

  1. A minimum of 36 credits supervised by EOU faculty must be completed for the second degree. Of these 36 hours, 25 must be graded (A-D) and 25 must be upper division. If earned concurrently, a minimum of 216 total credits are required. If earned subsequently, 36 credits beyond the awarding of the first degree must be earned. Separate applications for graduation must be completed for each degree. A minimum cumulative EOU GPA of 2.00 is required.
  2. If a student has earned a first baccalaureate degree from another accredited institution, a second baccalaureate degree from EOU may be earned by completing a minimum of 45 credit hours supervised by EOU faculty. Thirty of the 45 credit hours must be upper division. All program requirements for the degree as determined by the appropriate major department must be satisfied. A minimum cumulative EOU GPA of 2.00 is required.
  3. If the first degree is from a non-accredited institution, a student may earn a baccalaureate degree from EOU by completing a minimum of 45 credit hours supervised by EOU faculty and by satisfying all program and current institutional requirements which have not been completed within the first degree. A minimum cumulative EOU GPA of 2.00 is required.
  4. Students who have received a first degree of Bachelors of Applied Science who are seeking a Bachelor’s of Science from EOU must complete the additional Bachelors of Arts or Bachelors of Science requirements to obtain either degree.

Prior to meeting with an advisor, official transcripts from all schools attended must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office with a request to have them evaluated for institutional requirements.

Second Baccalaureate Degree: Graduation With Distinction

Students must be eligible on EOU coursework taken since the awarding of the first degree and the Students must also be eligible when all college coursework is combined. The student wishing honors on a second degree must submit official transcripts from all schools attended. These must be received by the Registrar’s Office before applying for graduation. The deadline for applying for graduation is posted on the Registrar’s website.

The Students must complete a minimum of 36 EOU hours beyond the awarding of the first degree. Of these 36 hours, 25 must be graded (A-D) and 25 must be upper division.

The cumulative GPA on credits received since the awarding of the first degree and the overall cumulative GPA (including transfer credits, if any) must be at least 3.50. The GPA on coursework completed since the awarding of the first degree will be used to determine the level of honors awarded.

Honors for Two or More Degrees Earned Simultaneously:

Eligible students will receive honors on all degrees obtained simultaneously.

Student Records Access (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, was designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the right to inspect and review academic records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data within academic records. EOU’s FERPA page has further information. Those wishing to review academic records at Eastern Oregon University should make an appointment with the EOU Registrar’s Office. Records must be reviewed in the office with a registrar’s representative present, and cannot be reviewed without prior appointment.

Eastern Oregon University may release without prior consent certain “directory” information. This information may be disclosed to the public unless the student requests that such information not be released. Such a request requires a written and signed notification to the Registrar’s Office. Once a notice of confidentiality has been submitted, any exceptions must be approved by the student on a case by case basis. Additionally, any information obtained as a part of the student’s application materials may be used by EOU officials for legitimate educational purposes.

The following is considered directory information:

  • Student full name
  • Current Mailing Address
  • Telephone Number
  • EOU E-Mail Address
  • Class level and academic field of study
  • Dates of attendance
  • Current Class Standing
  • Enrollment Status
  • Degrees, honors, and Awards Received and the Dates Received
  • Participation in Officially Recognized Activities
  • Height and Weight of Students Representing EOU Athletics

Except for directory information, no personally identifiable information is disclosed to agencies outside EOU without the written permission of the student. Records are made available for university system professional use on a needto- know basis, to officials of other institutions in which students may seek to enroll, in response to certain subpoenas and judicial orders, and in the event of an emergency in which such information might affect the health and safety of the student and/or others. The security of student records is the responsibility of the Registrar’s Office. Student activity, student health and student conduct records are maintained by the office of Student Affairs. Questions can be directed to both the Registrar’s Office and the Student Affairs Office.

A student who has selected to be flagged in our system as confidential will have all EOU records marked as confidential. No record information will be released at any point, even to the student. To have a confidential flag released on a student record please see the FERPA page of the Registrar’s website.

Summer Grade Posting/Degree Awarding Policy

Posting Summer Grades: Under no circumstances is an instructor required to submit a student’s final grade prior to the regularly scheduled end of a course. Regardless of the duration of a summer course (e.g., 3 weeks, 5 weeks, 10 weeks etc.), by default final grades are posted to student transcripts at the end of summer term, which corresponds with the end of 10-week courses. In only the following circumstances will final summer grades be posted to a student’s transcript (with revised GPA) prior to the end of summer term.

Education Courses Required for Licensure: Each academic year the College of Education will identify summer courses lasting less than 10 weeks, which are required for teaching licensure purposes. Once these courses have ended the Registrar’s Office will post grades for enrolled students.

EOU Athletic Eligibility: Often times EOU athletes will need their summer grades by early August in order to be classified as eligible for the fall athletic season. It is important for student athletes to recognize that if they enroll in 10-week summer courses the instructor is not required to award a final grade prior to the end of the course. Students enrolled in 10-week summer courses who need their final grade for athletic certification, should request in advance that the instructor allow them to complete all required work early. If the instructor agrees, the student should contact the Athletic Department once the grade is submitted. The Athletic Department will confirm the athletic status of the student for the Registrar’s Office and the grade will be posted to the transcript. This policy only applies to student athletes being certified for eligibility at EOU. The Registrar’s Office will not post grades early for students who need to be certified at another institution. Note: Academic standing based on summer coursework will only be calculated at the end of summer term. Under no circumstances will academic standing be calculated early.

Awarding Summer Degrees: Under no circumstances will degrees completed during summer term be awarded prior to the end of that term. Any student who completes his/her degree during, but prior to the end of summer term - e.g., by taking classes lasting less than 10 weeks - and who needs confirmation that degree requirements have been met prior to the end of the full 10-week term, should contact the respective college dean. At the dean’s full discretion, a  signed letter may be provided indicating that all degree requirements have been satisfied, and that the degree will be awarded at the end of the term. Upon request of the dean, the Registrar’s Office will confirm the student’s progress toward degree completion.

Tenth Week And Finals Week

Exceptions to this policy may be requested from college deans, who will forward recommendations to the provost for review.

Tenth Week (Monday through Sunday of the week preceding final examinations for winter, spring and summer terms) and Eleventh Week (Monday through Sunday of the week preceding final examinations for fall term)

  • No examination worth 20 percent or more of the final grade will be given, with the exception of make-up examinations.
  • No final examinations will be given under any guise with the exception of exercises that require more than a twohour block of time.
  • No papers or projects will be due, unless they have been clearly specified on the syllabus, within the first week of the term.
  • No institutionally-sponsored events will be scheduled, unless they have been clearly specified or scheduled on a course syllabus or events calendar within the first week of the term.

Finals Week (Monday through Friday - The last week of fall, winter and spring and summer terms)

  • Take-home final examinations and projects will be due no earlier than the day of the formally assigned final examination for the class in question.
  • Proctored final exams will be given no earlier than the day of the formally assigned final examination for the class in question.
  • No institutionally-sponsored non-academic events will be scheduled beginning Monday of finals week through the last day of finals.
  • The time set aside for a final examination will be used for course purposes

Transfer Articulation & Equivalency

Credits are awarded for college-level academic courses transferred from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association. All credits will be transcribed no matter the grade. Any fully admitted student who submits an official transcript from another college or university will have that transcript evaluated and articulated. Courses can transfer into EOU as EOU course equivalencies, lower or upper division transfer courses and/or up to 12 credits of vocational/technical elective courses.

Vocational-Technical Coursework

These credits will be transcribed as LDVT (Lower Division Voc/Tech) electives, with a grade of “S”. LDVT courses may not be used to meet general education or program requirements.

A maximum of 12 LDVT credits, completed with a grade of C- or better, will be accepted toward the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree. A maximum of 60 LDVT credits, completed with a grade of C- or better, will be accepted toward the Bachelors of Applied Science degree if the student has an Associate of Applied Science (AAPS) degree from a Community College.

LDVT coursework noted in an official program agreement between EOU and another institution will be articulated as the agreement states.

For a full outline of all EOU’s transfer equivalency rules and our transfer articulation tables go to www.eou.edu/registrar/transfer/ on the Registrar’s website.

Additional questions regarding the transferability of courses can be answered by the students’ advisor.


Eastern Oregon University is a proud participant of the 2014 Veterans Choice Act, which allows Veterans and other covered individuals under the Montgomery & Post 911 GI Bills® to receive in-state tuition. Active duty personnel and Veterans who identify as such on the admission application will automatically receive in-state tuition. Eligible dependents, spouses, and individuals currently receiving transferred benefits or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship must contact the Registrar’s Office once admitted to the University to verify eligibility. Veteran and Service Member students receive priority registration at EOU.

EOU will allow any covered individual to attend or participate in courses of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to EOU a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33. EOU ensures all covered individuals will not accrue any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to EOU due to the delayed disbursement of a payment to be provided by the Secretary under chapter 31 or 33.

Academic Policies Overseen by the Following Offices/Committees

Academic Standards

Academic Bankruptcy
Academic Honesty
Academic Standing (Probation and Suspension)
Agency Sponsored Learning (ASL)
Assessment of Prior Leaning (APEL)
Baccalaureate & Professional Degree
Classification of Students
Course Load Limitations
Course Numbering
Dean’s List
Drop & Withdrawal from Courses
Enrollment in Classes
Grade Changes
Grades and Grade Points
Graduation with Distinction
Multiple Majors
Online/Onsite Courses
Post-Bac & Post-Bac Financial Aid Eligible
Repeat Coursework
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option
Second Baccalaureate Degree
Second Baccalaureate: Graduation w/Distinction
Summer Grade/Degree Policy
Tenth/Eleven Week & Finals Week


Credit Requirements
Double Dipping
Practicum Courses

Registrar’s Office

Adding a Course
Adding a Wait-Listed Course
Auditing of Courses
Commencement Participation
Continuous Enrollment
Course Challenge
Definitions & Abbreviations
Graduation Application
Incomplete & In-Progress
Leave of Absence
Military Evaluation of Credit
Military- Student Called to Active Duty
Re-Admit/Returning Students
Residency Requirements (State of Oregon)
Student Records Access (FERPA)
Transfer Articulation & Equivalency

Student Affairs Committee

Classroom Decorum
Registration: Cancel Registration