Feb 17, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [NOT CURRENT CATALOGS]

University Writing Requirement (UWR)

Current Courses

Old UWR courses - UWR removed or course was ended through EPCC

ACCT 498 Adv Financial Accounting [U19 through U20]

ANTH 310 Native Peoples of America [S04 only]
ANTH 460 Women in Poor Countries [S15 through U17]

ART 390 Expanded Arts*AEH [S04 through S11]
ART 307 Junior Seminar [W05 through S22] 

BA 312 Principles of Marketing [S04 through U06]
BA 321 Prin of Mngmnt [W04 Johnson & F04‐U06 only]
BA 333 Individual Income Tax [F06 through S16]
BA 428 Auditing F04 through [U19]
BA 462 Leaders/Leadership process [S09 through S16]
BA 482 Project Mngmnt, Planning&Cntrl [F12 through S16]

CHEM 407 Seminar [S05 through S22]
CHEM 440 Thermodynamics [F03 only]
CHEM 443 Thermodynamics Laboratory [F06 through F15]

CS 315 Interactive Software Design [F15 through U19]
CS 370 User Interface Design [S05 through F14]

ECED 320 Child and family Literacy I [F06 through S16]
ECED 490 Early Childhood Capstone I [F06 through S16]

ECON 315 Economics of Social Issues*AEH [F05 only]
ECON 334 US Economic History*SSC [W04 only]
ECON 407 Capstone Seminar [5] [W06 through S22]

ENGL 104 Intro to Lit*AEH [S04 through F14]
ENGL 205 Writers of British Isles*AEH [S04 through F14]
ENGL 206 Applied Lit Criticism*AEH [F04 through F14]
ENGL 220 SO Sem: Rhetoric & Lit*AEH [S12 through F14]
ENGL 221 SO Sem: Lit/Film Analysis [S12 through F14]
ENGL 222 SO Sem III:Creative Process [S12 through F14]
ENGL 239 Genres*AEH [W04 through F14]
ENGL 254 Writers of Americas*AEH [F04 through F14]
ENGL 422 Contemporary Literature/Film [F04 through F14]

EXS 323 Physiology of Exercise w/Lab [F16 through S23]

GEND 201 Gend:Amer Wmn*SSC [W04 through F12]
GEND 220 Gender/Work & Society*SSC [S04 through F12]
GEND 301 Perspects On Gender*SSC [S04 through F12]
GEND 350 Pornography/Gndr&St*SSC [W05 through F12]
GEND 360 Gender & Power*SSC [W04 through F12]
GEND 395 Gender in Lit/Film*AEH [F04 through F12]

GEOG 318 America Regional Planning [S08 through F15]
GEOG 319 Environmental Report Writing [S08 through F15]
GEOG 401 Environmental Research [S08 through F15]
GEOL 401 Capstone [F04 through F14]
GEOL 410 Selected Topics [W & S04 only]

GERM 310 Noble Legacy [S04 only]
GERM 341 German Cul/Civ*AEH [F04 through F14]
GERM 344 Intro German Lit*AEH [F04 through F14]
GERM 346 The Nobel Legacy*SSC [F04 through F14]
GERM 348 German Film*AEH [F04 through F14]


HIST 388 History of Middle East [through S05]
HIST 433 French Rev & Napoleon [F04 through S05]
HIST 468 Hist Native Amer/Pac NW [S04 through U17]
HIST 490 Early China [through U12]

HUM 341 German Culture & Civ*SSC [F04 through F14]
HUM 346 The Nobel Legacy*SSC [F07 through F14]
HUM 348 German Film*AEH [F07 through F14]

HWS 350 Lifestyle Behavior & Health [F05 through W17]
HWS 351 Comm/Soc Skls Hlthy Liv [F04 through S20]

JNL 230 News Writing [F12 through U15]
JNL 331 Advanced News Writing [F12 through U15]

LS 401 Capstone:Arts & Sciences [F04 through S15]
LS 402 Sr Proj/Capstone:Business [F09 through S15]
LS 403 Sr Proj/Capstone:ED [F09 through S15]

MATH 355 Intro to Math Modelings [F04 through U08]
MATH 407 Seminar/Capstone (arranged) [1-15] (S05 through S22)

MM 350 Multimedia Theory [F04 through F15]

MUS 201 Lang & Lit of Music*AEH [F04 through U15]
MUS 361 Music History I [F05 through U14]
MUS 362 Music History II [F12 through U15]
MUS 363 Music History lll [S06 through U14]

PHIL 203 Critical Thinking*GTW [through U11]
PHIL 301 Hist Philosophy*AEH [F04 through F15]
PHIL 407 Seminar/Capstone [W06 through F15]
PHIL 420 Philosophy of Law [5] (F04 through S22)
PHIL 470 Philosophical Psych [F04 through F15]

PHYS 221 Gen Physics/Calc*SMI [F07 through F15]
PHYS 223 Gen Physics/Calc*SMI [F04 through F15]
PHYS 441 Theoretical Physics [F04 through F15]
PHYS 490 Hist & Phil Phys [F04 through F15]
PHYS 491 Physics Capstone Seminar [F04 through F15]

PSY 330 Emotion*SSC [S11 through U14]
PSY 441 Project in Experimental Psychology [W06 through U20]
PSY 460 Experimental Psychology (5 Credit) [F04 through F20]

REL 101 Introduction to Religion*AEH (DPD) [S12 through F15]
REL 102 Intro to World Religions*AEH (DPD) [S12 through F15]
REL 326 Hinduism [F12 through F15]

SCI 103 Matter*SMI [F04 through F15]

SOC 350 Pornography/Gndr*SSC [W05 through W15]

THEA 261/262 Theatre History*AEH [S05 through U15]
THEA 400 Theatre Collaboration [S05 through U15]

WR 222 Argumentation [F07 through F1]
WR 242 Creative Non‐Fiction Writing*APC [S04 only]
WR 330 The Electronic Word through [U12]